Friday 5 March 2010


waterloo book market, originally uploaded by rupertsanfordscutt.

It's been a quiet week, resulting in an "and erm... that's it!" after only a few minutes on the phone to my mother. I'm still very glad of the weekend, however. Sadly, I won't be seeing as much of The Boy as in previous weekends, but I'll happily amuse myself.

Plans include:
Bike riding (and mastering which way my gears go - whoever thought of making the gears go in opposite directions for each hand?)
Mooching for yet more books - have only bought two this week.
... And drinks for my birthday (which is on Monday)!

I should also cook something this weekend, I fear I'm getting rusty. As fun as pate on toast is, it doesn't compare to homemade lasagne. Not after a whole week of it for lunch anyway.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

east side bride said...

maybe I will go book shopping this weekend!!
